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We Can Turn Your Older House Into a Smart Home

Arrange for home automation services within 60 miles of Pacifica, CA

Imagine how convenient it would be to control your lights and lower your shades using an app on your phone or a simple voice command. It’s possible when you rely on Golden Gate AV Pros in Pacifica, CA for home automation services. Our home automation system installation expert helps residents in the Bay Area avoid the hassle of setting up their smart devices.

Some systems are more secure, sophisticated and customizable than others. Reach out today to find out which products we recommend.

We’ll make sure all your devices can communicate with each other

If you have a smart device, we can pair it with your Amazon Alexa, Google Nest Hub or other virtual assistant. Our home automation system installation services include connecting smart devices like:

  • Audio systems
  • CCTVs and other security cameras
  • Doorbells
  • Lights
  • Locks
  • Shades
  • Thermostats
  • TVs

This list only scratches the surface of what we can do. Call 650-889-0655 today to learn more about our home automation services.

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